
Contest Robot Description Rules FAQ
Bear Rescue autonomous Find the bear and bring it home as fast as possible PDF FAQ
Free Style any kind Open contest PDF FAQ
Ketchup House autonomous Collect more cans than the opponent in the ketchup store PDF FAQ
Line Follower autonomous Follow black line and run over the course as fast as possible PDF FAQ
Mini Sumo autonomous Push the opponent off the playing field PDF FAQ
Puck Collect autonomous Collect more coloured pucks than the opponent PDF FAQ
Roadside Assistance Beginner remotely controlled Provide service for cars – install batteries, deploy traffic signs, load cargo… PDF FAQ
Roadside Assistance Advanced advanced autonomous
Toy Cleanup Beginner remotely controlled Pick all toys spread at the playing field and put them where they belong to as fast as possible PDF FAQ
Toy Cleanup Advanced autonomous
Construction Kits The robot is fully built using a selected construction kit, the rest of the rules for a particular competition is not changed. PDF FAQ
allowed kits and parts
  • In 2024, the MiniSumo contest is held only as the “Construction Kit” category. Free Style, Roadside Assistance Beginner/Advanced, and Toy Cleanup Beginner/Advanced are held only as “Standard” category, all others as “Standard” (build it from whatever you like as long as it is safe) and “Construction Kit” (use only a pre-approved Construction Kit) categories.
  • Rules of all contests can be downloaded here: PDF.
  • It is allowed to register one robot for more competitions. One team may register any number of robots.
  • All contests are open to participants from any country. If you want to find out more about your local national cup, please contact us.
  • There is no age limit for the standard contests; we’ll split the participants when there are many registered for a particular contest.
  • Construction kit category is is held for pupils and students up to secondary schools (ISCED 0-3), see also detailed rules.
  • Robots from the same “nest” (school, club etc.) registered in one competition must be significantly different – it is not fair to the others to use more “too similar” robots. It is also not fair to use different robot behaviour when playing against fellow robots and when playing against other robots.
  • Robots from Cyprus will have to be qualified via Cyprus National Cup (details will be announced later).